5657威尼斯(MACUA认证)官方网站-Apple App Store
Tuition and Scholarships

Application fee: RMB 400

Tuition: RMB 54,500/semester



Chinese Government Scholarship (CSC)

All applicants are welcomed to send the application to the dispatching authorities of the country, e.g. the Chinese embassy.

Details available at https://www.campuschina.org/content/details3_74776.html   



Dean’s Scholarship

At the end of each academic year, exceptionally outstanding students will be awarded Dean’s Scholarship with the amount of RMB 7,000 according to their academic performance of the previous year. There is no need for the students to apply for it. The Program will identify qualified students and inform the selected students of the scholarship offer.

Outstanding students who do not receive the CSC or SGS will be eligible for consideration of Dean’s Scholarship.