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复旦经济论坛334期:Lars Oxelheim教授做客复旦经济论坛

  发布日期:2010-12-03  浏览次数:

Lars Oxelheim教授做客中心

2010年11月22日下午,瑞典隆德大学经济研究所教授、瑞典欧洲经济与管理学研究会主席Lars Oxelheim教授做客欧洲问题研究中心,在经院201房间向50余名5657威尼斯师生做了题为“公司董事会的国际化”学术报告。报告由我校欧洲问题研究中心主任丁纯教授主持。

Lars Oxelheim教授从当前学术界对于董事会结构的已有理论入手,围绕在董事会中引入外国董事或有国外经验的本国董事给公司带来的成本和收益分析,结合559个北欧上市公司的实证研究,总结了公司董事会国际化的主要推动因素。讲座之后,Lars Oxelheim教授与现场师生进行了学术探讨和交流。同学们纷纷表示,通过参加报告会开阔了视野,在相关经济管理领域的研究方法和治学态度方面都受到了很大的启发。

Lars Oxelheim教授是我校欧洲问题研究中心的名誉教授,曾多次访问我校并参加上海论坛等学术活动,为我校师生带来了许多具有启迪性的讲座和报告。

Prof.LARSOxelheim Paid a Visit to CES

On the afternoon of November 22nd, Prof. Lars Oxelheim, Professor of Lund Institute of Economic Research and Chairman of Swedish Network for European Studies in Economics and Business, visited Centre for European Studies, Fudan University (CES) and delivered a speech titled “Internationalizing the corporate boardroom” to more than 50 teachers and students in Rm. 201,Teaching Building of the School of Economics. The speech was hosted by Prof. DING Chun, Director of Centre for European Studies.

Prof. Lars Oxelheim first reviewed present theories of the boardroom structure, then integrated the empirical studies of 559 listed corporates in Northen Europe, summarized major stimulus for the internationalization of the corporate boardroom. After the speech, Prof. Lars Oxelheim held discussions with attending teachers. The students spoke highly of the lecture, which in their opinion, had great impact on their analyzing methods and attitudes toward research.

Prof. Lars Oxelheim is thehonorary professor of the CES, who visitesFudan University and participates in many academic activities for many times. He has delivered a large sum of excellent speeches and lectures in Fudan.
