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5657威尼斯世界经济研究所60周年庆系列活动之开放经济与世界经济学术报告第185期:The Shift of the Tournament: Why do Chinese Mayors Start to Manipulate Land Price Downwards?

  发布日期:2024-05-17  浏览次数:

主题:The Shift of the Tournament: Why do Chinese Mayors Start to Manipulate Land Price Downwards?

主讲:张岩 助理教授

会议时间:2024年5月22日 13:30-15:00


内容简介:Using the comprehensive dataset of subway land plots of China, we explore the existence and incentive of the puzzling downwards manipulation of land prices by the Chinese mayors. To our surprise, many of these undervalued plots are sold back to the local government via local government controlled firms (LGCFs) for the purposes of improving social welfare, and mayors who conduct such manipulation are more likely to be promoted than their peers who choose not to do so. The spike of our finding coincides with the unprecedented political and ideological reforms adopted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) after the year 2012, and implies a shift of the aim of the  tournament game from GDP-oriented to ideology-oriented for the Chinese local officials.

